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The TMO does not keep keys to your property or keys to any garage. If you lose the keys to your property the TMO will not change the locks for you unless you pay for the work to be done in advance. Payment will be required before a works order is raised. If you lose you keys or lock yourself out, you will be required to contact and pay for a locksmith. Out of hours repair service will not be able to assist in such circumstances and again you will be required to arrange for your own locksmith.

Gas and Electricity

The supply of gas and electricity is your responsibility.


All residents require permission to keep pets. Although permission to keep a pet will not generally be declined, we do emphasise the importance of your pet not causing a nuisance to other residents and/or visitors to the estate. If your pet does cause a nuisance, then permission to keep a pet will be withdrawn. Please ensure you keep your dog on a lead at all times whilst on the estate could we also ask that you clear up after your pet particularly if they foul in and around the communal areas.


Clarion Housing provides household contents insurance.

Recycling Facilities

We have recycling facilities on the estate which all tenants are requested to use.

The A to Z of Comfortable Living on Glebe Court

Attitude Friendly – Sense of Community – Courteous
Balconies It is your responsibility to keep the section of the balcony outside your flat clean and tidy. Why not join in with your neighbours to keep it swept and washed regularly, that way everyone benefits.
Children Are, of course, the responsibility of the parents at all times. We all want them to enjoy their childhood and to be able to play – BUT, please let them know that all ball games should only be played in the playground area. That way, they are safe and can enjoy their games without having “nuisance adults” telling them to go and play elsewhere.
Dogs Should be kept on a lead at ALL times whilst on the estate. Some dog owners have adopted the middle green. Please make sure you pick up your dog poo and put it in the “doggy bin” provided on this piece of grass. The “bin” is situated under the big tree by the “lavender path”. Please help them protect your children by walking your dog off the estate, say on the Common or the park in the Cannons Leisure Centre. If this is not possible, please pick up after your dog and put it in the doggy bin rather than leave it for others to do – your  dog – your responsibility! Remember, there are heavy fines if your dog fouls the foot paths and balconies.
Environment Glebe residents are supporters of “Going for Green” – saving the planet’s water and energy. If you want further advice, please ask.
Football This should be played in the Playground – please co-operate and make sure your children enjoy their game in peace without disturbing others.
Greens Are a pleasure for us all to enjoy – to see and to use. Please make sure your use does not disturb the enjoyment of others.
Homes As a Tenant Management Organisation, we have an estate office with a Resident Manager who helps with all sorts of advice if you are experiencing any problems. You will be aware that, as a tenant one of the most important things for you to do, is pay your rent on time. If you have a problem in doing this, it is important that your speak with the Manager as soon as possible, that way future difficulties can be avoided. Similarly, if you need a repair at your home, it is our responsibility to fix it (Leaseholders are responsible for their own repairs). Let the office know about the problem quickly so that we can make sure the repair happens without delay.
I This is You! We all live on Glebe Court, we want everyone to enjoy their home and their surroundings including young and old alike. Please make sure You are a good neighbour, then I will appreciate living near you, and you near me, I-I!
Joining In The Community is us – please join with us in making Glebe Court a pleasant place to have your our home. Encourage your children to use the playground, let us all respect our green spaces and please respect the needs of others on the estate so that we are all a happy Joint Community. We hold an Annual General Meeting each year along with a couple of General meetings a year. We would like to encourage all residents to attend these meetings, after all, Glebe Court belongs to everyone of us living on the estate and your input could be valuable.
Keeping Tidy Help us all enjoy our surroundings by keeping Glebe tidy. Please do not leave rubbish in lifts or around the balcony areas and please try not to block the chutes. If you have any bulk rubbish to get rid of, please inform the office, then arrangements can be made to clear it. Please do not just leave bulk items of rubbish by the bin sheds. If we all look after the area near our homes, it will make our lives more pleasant.
Laundry Washing is allowed to be dried on our private balconies – but discreetly! Not overhanging the brickwork area. Washing should never be put on public balconies as this causes problems for other people – thank you.
Music Enjoy your own! all our tastes vary, my taste may not be yours and vice versa. Please do not inflict your music on others. Be especially considerate to your neighbours in the summers months when your windows are open.
Noise Homes in Glebe are fairly good for sound insulation. But, DIY noise carries far and wide. Please be considerate when carrying out work around your home. Also, new laws have been brought in to deal with Noise Nuisance. Please make sure you do not fall foul of the new provisions, which are much stronger than before.
Opportunities As a Tenant Management Organisation, we do, in effect, run our own company. This means that opportunities abound for all of us that live at Glebe.
Playgrounds Children and parents are lucky on Glebe in the fact that we have our own playground which is always well maintained. We have a football area, basketball nets, swings and a couple of spring rides for the little ones. We do ask that parents encourage their children to play all ball games in the playground rather than on the grass areas. The playground is opened in the morning and locked each night at dusk. Parents are also encouraged to stay with very young children for safety reasons.
Quiet Shush! Particularly at night when others are sleeping. Please remember, some front bedrooms are situated by the lift – please ask visitors to be considerate when saying goodnight as people could be sleeping.
Rubbish When putting rubbish down the chute, please put it in a bag or wrap it in newspaper as this helps to keep the chute clean and avoids smelly odours collecting at the bottom. As mentioned before, please contact the office regarding bulk rubbish.
Sheds Are for your personal use. If you do not use your shed and are unlikely to need it in the future, why not help others who may have need of the storage space and offer it back to the estate through the manager in the office.
and… Sky Dishes These are not allowed to be erected unless you have permission by way of a letter from the London Borough of Merton. If you have not received permission, this is a breach of your tenancy agreement.
Transfers If you wish to move home, this should be arranged with the advice of the staff in our office who will be pleased to help you.
Utopia Glebe! Or it could be, and will be, if all respect each other and our surroundings.
Vehicles Commercial vehicles are not allowed to park on the estate – this is a condition of tenancy agreements and leases. We have a duty to report, to the police and housing office, cars which are on the estate UNTAXED for more than fourteen days. Also, please be considerate when parking your car on Glebe. Do not obstruct any pavement area by parking on the pavement as this area is for pedestrians only. Do not park on the grass areas – this is not allowed. Also, please do not park across the “drop downs” on the pathway areas – these areas are for disabled people in wheelchairs and people with prams and pushchairs. Last of all – please take note of the “yellow lines” they have been painted there for a purpose. We do understand however, that some areas of Glebe allow you to park on some of the pavement area. These are mainly by the sheds of opposite the office (233). Again, please consider those residents that need to access their sheds, please do not park over the yellow lines that have been painted there.
Windows New windows were put in a few years ago. They should remain in good condition for many years to come. If you have any problems with them, please notify the office. Also, to keep the frames clean, you need to only wash them using washing up liquid – don’t forget the windows and sills on the public balconies!
X This marks the spot! – Glebe on the map!
Youths Young – Middle Aged – Elderly – We are all the age that we feel – but please respect the differences – remember that you were young once and that one day you will be old.
Zero Zero tolerance to drugs and crime of any sort. Do please look out for our Neighbourhood Warden and our Community Support Officers – They all walk around our estate on a regular basis. Many of our residents are members of the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme. If you need further details on this – please visit the office.

Many Thanks, Glebe Court Tenant Management Organisation.